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Jumat, 01 April 2011


Siang siang gini ada yang aneh di pagar depan rumah gue...

diliat liat bagus juga fotonya.
padahal foto dadakan, ga pake teknik.wkkakak

Gue googling... namanya moth.. yah ujung-ujungnya ngengat. -__-
Gue kira apaan gitu yang langka.

pas googling.nemu tulisan bagus... tentang ngengat..
yang gue pertegas, itu yang paling gue suka -,-


Ever look in an empty cocoon as a most glorious butterfly leaves it? I’ll bet there’s a mirror in it.

When a woman loses her hair, which for her has been a safe haven and the only part of her body she truly believes is spectacular, she desperately wants to trust that her husband loves her for who she is, not for the dead protein on the top of her head. But when rage replaces reason, no soft whisper or kiss at the back of her now hairless neck is going to convince her that she is anything but a ghost of the woman she was.

Grief is inglorious. My mirror offered only heartache. The refection lied; the face I saw was a stranger’s. I had no passion in me for my husband’s touch. I wanted intimacy only with my fantasies, which were rich with beauty and wild hair and flirting, and being irresistible to any man who saw me. I ached for an embrace in our darkened bedroom to comfort me, but I wouldn’t allow it. I turned away from the one person I needed the most.

My husband continually encouraged me to remember “Terese” and learn to embrace me again as changed, but not absent from life. It took years but slowly I woke to the possibility of discovering who I was under all that hair. My security lay firmly in the strong hands of the man I’d vowed to love until my death. He carried me over many lost days. I healed.

Ironically, sadly, as the mirror stopped watching me and I began looking back, as I emerged from my cocoon to fly, I lost something. My husband left me. I listened shakily as he assured me that his decision to end our twenty years together had nothing to do with alopecia, but he admitted that my struggle with hair loss had drained him more than he’d let on. As I write this, I am still reeling and scared to pieces, (changes again), but I know as surely as anything that I will never forget all the hits he took for me as I railed at the world, pounded my fists and wondered why me, why me.

Now, I am what I am called by many – a cute bald chick – and the rest of my life is waiting. by Terese Weir

~gua gatau link benernya dimana

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