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Selasa, 12 April 2011

Some Reasons Why...

i don't think i need any boyf right now ..

1. Cause i don't want someone bother me when i'm doing all of my hobbies. Such as browsing,learning on web tutorial, drawing, blogging,tweeting..etc.

2. I don't want to starting any relation with someone else. well, not yet.

3. I'd like to be loved. But i love to be free.

4. You all are may like me.haha (pdbgt) oh yeah, sometimes i like you..but i'm still don't want any relationship. it would be annoying.

5. I never stayed my cell phone always by my side. my phone often has no pulse, has no batteries, has no signals, and i don't really care about that. Well, sometime i forgot where did i put my phone on.

6. You'll be so fuckin bored with me. Cause i'm pathetic. :3

7. The big IF. IFFF we're end up.. You, and i..won't be as 'crazy' as this time. We will feel some 'strange' feeling when we meet somewhere. Or badly, we're ending with a fight. So worst?

That's all. Thanks.

(oke sebenrnya mau nulis banyak..
berhubung gw nulis ini di jalan pas beli nasi goreng..
terus ada orgill.konsentrasi gw terpecah.hahahalah)

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